Why Smile Care?
It's important that you understand exactly what you are whitening your teeth. Wedding pictures and videos are memories that you're going to be looking back on fondly in years possibly decades and the better you look in those pictures, the more you'll enjoy the memories. No one wants to look back and get distracted because their teeth are yellow or stained in their wedding pictures. That's why it's critical that you not only get your teeth professionally whitened, but you engage in a few days of intensive smile care to make sure that those pearly whites stay both pearly and white.
Things to Avoid
- Drinking coffee, black or red 'rooibos' tea (green, white, and herbal are fine), and other dark drinks, including any form of cola.
- Red wine, cranberry juice, and other dark red drinks are also no-nos.
- Smoking anything, but particularly cigarettes.
- Popsicles and other frozen desserts that have bright artificial colors.
- Balsamic vinegar, unless you eat it with lettuce or spinach. Green leafy veggies form a protective barrier over your teeth, so eating salads with balsamic dressing is still safe.
- Similarly, dark Asian sauces from tamari to hoisin are best avoided.
- Tomato sauce, especially in the form of spaghetti sauces with artificial colors.
- Any highly acidic foods like citrus foods won't necessarily stain your teeth themselves, but they can cause minor enamel damage that will make your teeth more prone to staining.
Things to Do
- Brush and floss regularly, even if you're not usually in the habit it's a good idea in general, but especially when you're trying to keep your teeth clean for your big day.
- Eat the aforementioned green leafy vegetables, and if possible, a small salad with each meal.
- Finally, green and white teas are great for your dental health, strengthening your enamel.
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